Combat Brittle Bones With Exercise

Combat Brittle Bones With Exercise

Oct 29, 2018Glory Community

What better time than Halloween to give our skeletons some much needed attention?

Though working out is often lauded  (as it should be!) for its non-aesthetic benefits - easing stress, improving circulation, and increasing energy levels - it’s easy to get caught up in fitness for vanity’s sake. Beyond what we look like on the outside, physical exercise should be prioritized because of its internal benefits - including its vital role in building and maintaining strong bones. 

Why is exercise so important for bone health?

Our bodies build bone mass until around age 30 - where they reach their peak density. After then, we lose more than we gain - leading to chronic issues such as osteoporosis and fractures as we age. While genetic factors play a major role in determining bone health, there’s a lot that can be done to help strengthen our frames - especially exercise.

High-intensity, weight-bearing exercises including walking, jumping rope, skiing and climbing are best to keep bones strongest. Studies have shown that putting bones under stress causes them to add mass, or slow loss as people age. Resistance training - including yoga - are also recommended. 

In addition to exercise, consumption of foods rich in calcium and vitamin D (such as dark leafy greens) also works to support your bones.

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