Recipe / Raw Pad Thai Salad

Recipe / Raw Pad Thai Salad

Mar 13, 2019Glory Community

It’s no secret that eating healthy while on the go can be a total pain. With long prep-times, short shelf life, and packaging difficulties often associated with healthy eating, it’s no wonder many of us default to the standard “fast” options more easily available (aka junk food).

All hope is not lost, thanks to this Raw Pad Thai Salad! This all-raw, all-vegan recipe offers an easy way for you to feel fully satisfied while on the go, without the regret that often comes with other fast meal options.

Mason jar storage means that these delicious delights can easily come along with you in your bag, purse, or lunch kit, and helps to support a shelf life up to four days. With some dedicated Sunday meal-prep time, you can have most of your meals ready for the week ahead, with little stress.


Salad Ingredients:

12oz. package of kelp noodles

1.5 cups of shelled edamame

2 small bell peppers, chopped

2 cups bean sprouts

2 cups shredded carrots

2 cups zucchini noodles

½ cup chopped cilantro

½ cup chopped basil

½ sesame seeds


Nutty Thai Dressing Ingredients:

¼ cup of Glory Nut Butter

¼ cup of water

2 tablespoons tamari

1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil

1 lime, juiced

1 garlic clove

1teaspoon of ground ginger

Salt to taste



  1. Add all nutty Thai dressing ingredients to a good processor and blend until smooth with a medium consistency. Note that your dressing will naturally thicken when stored in the refrigerator so it’s okay if the dressing appears a bit runny after processing.
  2. Rinse kelp noodles under cold water to remove unwanted saltiness.
  3. For easy storage and consumption, we recommend storing salads within 32oz mason jars. From bottom to top, place the dressing, kelp noodles, edamame, bell peppers, bean sprouts, cilantro, basil, shredded carrots, sesame seeds, and zucchini noodles evenly across 3-4 mason jars.
  4. Screw lids on tightly. Salads will last in the refrigerator for up to four days. When you’re ready to eat, simply flip the jar onto your plate and enjoy!


Image courtesy of Fit Living Eats

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