Our Guide To Having A Stress-Free Christmas

Our Guide To Having A Stress-Free Christmas

Dec 15, 2016Glory Community

The holidays can be plenty stressful. All the parties, decorations, gifts and treats can leave you feeling overwhelmed and overindulged. Here’s our guide to staying healthy and mindful over the holiday season!


The excitement of the holidays can easily put your body into constant stress mode. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, stop what you are doing and take a few deep breaths from your belly. This will help ground you, slow down your heart rate, and leave you feeling much more as ease.


Proper hydration is greatly important for the overall health of your body and mind. It helps keep things moving, regulates body temperature, and helps transport vital nutrients. At your next holiday party, make sure that between each cocktail or glass of wine that you are having one full glass of water! This will also prevent you from that dreaded hangover the next day.


The holidays can get hectic and busy, and usually the first thing that we forget about is our fitness. It’s important for your well-being to get those endorphins released.  It will help reduce stress and make you feel beautiful and alive. Set an intention to do yoga with a friend, or go for a stroll around the park. Anything to get your body moving!


‘Tis the season to share love and joy. But don’t forget about yourself as well. The cookies, hot chocolates, and mountains of stuffing are meant to be savoured and enjoyed. Practice kindness and self-love, and remember not to beat yourself up for enjoying those delicious christmas cookies.

Article by Devan, key leader at our Kitsilano store.

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