Recipe / Raw Vegan Rolo Chocolates

Recipe / Raw Vegan Rolo Chocolates

Feb 01, 2019Glory Community

The month of love is upon us! A time where we shower those we care for in candies and chocolates and everything else that's sweeter than sweet. While indulging in these sugary treats can be tempting, it's hard to ignore the impact that doing so can have on our personal health goals; we haven't forgotten our #newyearnewme resolutions already, have we? 

Never fear! A delicious, vegan, no-guilt alternative is here, thanks to these Rawkin' Vegan Rolos. An easy-to-make, raw, dessert alternative that will have you feeling the love all year long. 



Medjool Dates (200g)

1 tbsp of Glory Nut Butter

Pinch of Salt

1/2 cup of Giddy YoYo Raw Cacao Powder

1/2 cup of Maple Syrup

1/2 cup of Coconut Oil

Chia Seed Sprinkles



1. Food process dates, nut butter, and salt until a smooth mixture is formed (like a gooey ball of caramel) and then place in freezer for 10 minutes.

2. Melt your coconut oil/cacao butter in a dehydrator or on a stovetop to be used for the chocolate coating. To keep the oil raw, ensure the temperature never exceeds 115 degrees Celsius. 

3. Remove data caramel from the freezer and start forming 1 1/2 inch balls (or hearts, if you're feeling the V-Day vibes) and place back in the freezer for an additional 10 minutes.

4. Combine melted coconut oil with maple syrup and cacao powder. Whisk until smooth.

5. Dip date caramel balls in the chocolate mixture using a spoon or toothpick and sprinkle with chia seeds.

6. Place chocolates in the freezer for an additional 10 minutes until solidified.

7. Remove from the freezer & enjoy!



 Image courtesy of

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