Product Spotlight / Glory Mylks

Product Spotlight / Glory Mylks

Oct 26, 2017Glory Community

Are you dairy intolerant?...

We've got you covered with our range of plant based mylks! Why are our almond mylks the best in Vancouver? Our almonds are harvested from Europe. The reason we choose to source from Europe is that the almonds do not need to be sprayed or irradiated before entering Canada (such as those coming from California) This means they are raw and do not contain chemicals or radiation. They are sprouted (soaked in water) overnight and then blended with alkaline water before being strained through a nut mylk bag and bottled fresh!

Glory Mylk Range

Almond Mylk - super creamy and slightly sweet. Made without thickeners or stabilizers which can give packaged almond milk a cardboard-like taste. Sweetened with dates.

Pumpkin Seed Mylk - a great nut-free option for anyone with nut allergies. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of Vitamin E and zinc, making this mylk great for skin health and a natural immune booster!

Cacao Mylk - our version of chocolate milk! Glory almond mylk base blended with cacao and maple syrup. Raw cacao is packed with antioxidants and contains an impressive list of vitamins and minerals including magnesium, iron, chromium, manganese, zinc, copper, vitamin C, phosphorus and calcium. 

Golden Turmeric Mylk - the perfect combination of our almond mylk, organic turmeric juice, honey, salt, cinnamon, black pepper and cayenne. Immune boosting and anti-inflammatory! 

Espresso Mylk - our almond mylk base with 2 shots of organic JJbean coffee and maple syrup to sweeten. Why organic coffee? In terms of chemicals, coffee is one of the most heavily treated crops, meaning non-organic coffee is full of herbicides and pesticides.


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