5 Easy Ways to Make Your Canada Day Healthier

5 Easy Ways to Make Your Canada Day Healthier

Jun 22, 2017Glory Community

This year marks Canada's 150th birthday. Canada Day is a day to celebrate with family, friends and fellow Canadians. There’s often a lot of food (and booze!) involved, but no-one wants to wake up feeling crappy and bloated the next day. With that, here are our top 5 ways to keep you healthy during this years celebrations.

1. Eat a nutritious breakfast with protein and healthy fats.

Eating a substantial breakfast full of protein and healthy fats will keep you satiated and energised throughout the day, meaning less cravings for crappy foods. Try a big salad with organic greens, roasted veggies, avocado, olive oil, some protein (tempeh, tofu, lentils, chickpeas, hard-boiled eggs, organic chicken) and a handful of nuts or seeds.

3. Stay active.

Get up early and head to a yoga class, or go for a run to start your day off. If you’re heading down to the beach, start a game of beach volleyball or bocce. Walking or riding to a friend's party instead of driving will also help keep you active during the day.

3. Stay hydrated in between meals.

Fill up a large water bottle at the start of the day and add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to it. Drink this throughout the day in between meals, refilling when needed (try to refill it 4-5 times). Not only will staying hydrated keep you feeling energised, the apple cider vinegar will help you to better digest your food when you do eat. 

4. Healthify your drink of choice.

Lighten up you beverages by mixing your liquor with cold pressed juice, fresh citrus such as lemon or lime, soda water and summer herbs such as mint or basil. See our recipes for combos we love! 

5. Get a good nights sleep.

After all the food, socialising and sunshine, it will be important to get a good nights sleep to help your body rest and repair. Not only will a good sleep help you to feel human the next day, but sleep is also important to help you manage your hunger levels and maintain your immune system. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine and chocolate after 6pm and make sure you get 7-8 hours of quality rest.

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